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Community Affairs and Grants

Chairman: Eduardo Ortiz
Members: Michael Benson & David Bennett

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedures and records of the Borough's community affairs and grants programs and:

  • Make recommendations for such Borough activities and programs as may foster and encourage good inter-community relations.

  • Providing liaison between the Borough Grants Office and Borough Council; making recommendations to Mayor and Council for any and all appropriate means of increasing grant awards to the Borough; making recommendations, within applicable grant guidelines, for the disposition and use of grants that will best serve the interest of the Borough and keeping Mayor, Council and the public informed.

Group Planting a Tree

Property & Small Business

Chairman: Joseph E. Johnson III
Members: Eduardo Ortiz & Mary Helen Perez

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedures and records relating to small businesses and Boroughproperty activities of the Borough and:

  • Serve as liason between the Borough Council and such other persons, agencies or associations concerned with propety of the Borough;

  • Review the status of properties owned by the Borough and make, as necessary, recommendations to Mayor and Council for the appropriate use and disposition, including sale or lease thereof, of such property;

  • Engage in and/or facilitate reasonable efforts to attract desirable small business and industrial firms to locate within the Borough;

  • Serve as a liason between Council and the Chamber of Commerce and with any other boards, associations or organizations on small business and industrial matters.

Open For Business

Public Works/Buildings & Grounds

Chairman: David Bennett
Members: Mary Helen Perez & Hector Cruz

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedures and records of the Borough's Public Works/Building and Grounds activities and:

  • Shall oversee the maintainence of all public buildings and grounds, including parks and recreational areas;

  • Act as liason between Borough Council and the Borough's Public Works Department;

  • Review, oversee and make recommendations for road construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintainence, cleaning and street openings;

  • Review, oversee and make recommendations for construction and maintainence of sidewalks and curbs;

  • Review and oversee the maintainence of vehicles and other mechanical equipment, cutting of grass and weeds on raods and municipal property, garbage and trash collection;

  • Serve as liason between Council and State, County and other agencies pertaining to streets and roads;

  • Serve as liason with the Borough Director of Public Works Department.

Bench on Autumn Leaves

Health Education & Human Services

Chairman: Barbara Prettyman
Members: Hector Cruz & Joseph E. Johnson III

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedures and records relating to the health, education and human services of the Borough of Woodbine and; Shall act as liaison between Council and the Woodbine Board of Education.

  • Shall act as liaison between Council and the State and County agencies and organizations providing Health Education and Health Services to the Borough.

  • Act as liason with the Borough's Construction Code Official, Zoning Officer and/or Code Enforcement Official.

  • Shall make recommendations to Mayor and Council for such activities and programs it deems appropriate for advancing health, welfare and educational opportunities in the Borough. 

Biology Class

Public Safety & Courts

Chairman: Hector Cruz
Members: Eduardo Ortiz & Joseph E. Johnson, III

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedures and records of the Borough's Courts and Public Safety activities and:

  • Shall act as liason between the Borough Council and those agencies and organizations providingpublic safety services to the Borough including but not limited to the New Jersey State Police, the Woodbine Volunteer Fire Department and the Woodbine Ambulance Corps and Rescue Squad;

  • Act as liason between the Borough Council and the Woodbine Municipal Court Administrator, Animal Control Officer and School Crossing Guards;

  • Interface with providers of Emergency Management Services;

  • Review and make recommendations for regulatory and traffic signs, including location, design and specification thereof; highway traffic and safety, parking regulations and on-street/off-street parking;

  • Make recommendations for the granting or denial of licenses and oversee te inspection of licensed premises and persons as necessary.

In court

Revenue & Finance

Chairman: Mary Helen Perez
Members: Michael Benson & David Bennett

Jurisdiction: This committee shall be responsible for the administration, practices, procedural records relating to revenue, finance and grants of the Borough and:

  • Providing liason between the Borough Treasurer's/Tax Collector's office and Borough Council for the purpose of informing the Mayor, Council and the public of matters of financial concern to the Borough; maximizing efficiency and quality in the financial administration of the Borough; realizing maximum revenue potentials for the Borough from all appropriate sources and otherwise reviewing and improving the financial circumstances of the Borough.

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